Tuesday 21 January 2014

A Natural Cure For Fibroids - The best ways to Remove Uterine Fibroids

A Natural Cure For Fibroids - The best ways to Remove Uterine Fibroids
After experiencing considerably aggravating symptoms over a number of years, I determined to try once and for all to see if there was a natural cure for fibroids which I can try before going with what I considered the "treatment of last resort" - a hysterectomy.

When I first visited my doctor about my enlarging abdomen, fibroids were never even pointed out. Without a doubt he incompetently encouraged me that I had abdominal fat and that I must diet! Although I admit to being a little overweight, I wasn't obese and looking back now, the fact that I had fibroids must have been glaringly evident. I was experiencing anemia and breathlessness and my periods were really heavy. I also had problems with agonizing intercourse (although I didn't tell him that at the time).

By the time my fibroids were diagnosed, an ultrasound assessment disclosed that I had one fibroid which was the size of a small melon, a number of orange-sized ones and numerous smaller groups. In fact the radiologist said that my abdomen resembled a 7 month pregnancy. As they were so large, I was given no real treatment options. I couldn't go with the procedures which simply cut away fibroids or those which shrank individual fibroids by blocking the blood vessels and cutting off the blood supply.

Strong hormonal treatment to block off estrogen was recommended, which would temporarily shrink the fibroids followed by a hysterectomy about 3 months later, depending on the success of the treatment. At that time I asked if there was a natural cure for fibroids, but the doctor kind of brushed off my request, saying that a hysterectomy was the best option and as far as he was concerned, he had only heard anecdotal evidence and can not recommend a way to naturally remove uterine fibroids.

I had serious reservations about surgery. Firstly, I was concerned about having such a major operation with such a long rehabilitation time. Also I was really concerned that it would put me through an early menopause as although the doctor assured to save my ovaries if possible, there was a chance they would have to be gotten rid of and the shock to the body of the removal of the uterus can often prompt the menopause. Finally, I was fretted about taking the drug treatment to shrink the fibroids ahead of time to make the surgery safer-apparently these drugs can only be taken for a short time due to the fact that they successfully prompt a momentary menopause with all the accompanying symptoms, such as hot flashes, drying, thinning vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and long term osteoporosis.

By the time my fibroids were diagnosed, an ultrasound assessment disclosed that I had one fibroid which was the size of a small melon, a number of orange-sized ones and numerous smaller groups. I couldn't go for the procedures which simply cut away fibroids or those which shrank individual fibroids by blocking the blood vessels and cutting off the blood supply.

I was worried about taking the drug treatment to shrink the fibroids ahead of time to make the surgery safer-apparently these drugs can only be taken for a short time due to the fact that they successfully bring on a momentary menopause with all the accompanying symptoms, such as hot flashes, drying, thinning vaginal tissues, facial wrinkles and long term osteoporosis.

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